
Independence is about a commitment to freely make your contribution as an individual within a community. We want you to be engaged in what you do. We want you to leave your positive impact. We know that starts by feeling good. It’s hard to do your best when you don’t feel your best. The world is full of opportunities to grow and it starts by lacing up your shoes and getting started. Being your best isn’t a convenient lifestyle. It takes work and dedication and going beyond comfort. We want you to focus on what you love to do and let us help you when you need it.

We partner exclusively with independent footwear dealers to ensure you are taken care of every step of your adventure. They have the resources to get you the best fit, be a part of local inspiration, and connect you with the right professionals when you need it. They are the community hub to get what you need.


Kneed \’nēd\ Knack + Need = Kneed

1. an ability, talent, or special skill needed to do something. “they have a knack for properly fitting footwear”

1. require (something) because it is essential or important “your sore feet may need insoles”
1. circumstances in which something is necessary, or that require some course of action; necessary. “we need independent footwear dealers who serve the community”

The name was inspired by our local independent footwear dealers that have the “knack” to fit your footwear properly. We also believe that proper fitting footwear isn’t a want but a “need”. You deserve to have the best fitting footwear for your activity. If your feet feel good, that will translate to the rest of you feeling good. To be your best, you Kneed to feel good.